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MORTEN IRGENS, Vice Rector (Vice President) of Oslo Metropolitan University
Speech: The future of Artificial Intelligence in Europe?
"Squeezed between Asia and the USA, Europe risks losing out on the opportunities offered by AI, facing a serious brain drain and being left as a consumer of solutions developed by North American and Asian competitors. Europe may become a cybercolony."
Morten Irgens holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Simon Fraser University, where he worked as a research associate at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory and conducted research in search heuristics for discrete optimization. With a particular interest in computer science, artificial intelligence, and environmental sustainability, Irgens is driven by the academic mission and the role of academia in addressing the grand societal challenges of our time. He has gained lifecycle value creation knowledge, including financing, board governance, partnership development, and public-private collaboration, from establishing research-based entities, including a software company and various research centers. He has extensive international experience with considerable experience in strategy development, research strategy management, university administration and maximizing private sector innovation by aligning industry, academic and government interests.
LOEK VREDENBERG, Chief Technology Officer at IBM Norway
Speech: AI and Cognitive Technologies- changing the way we work and live.
Loek Vredenberg started his career in 1985 in IBM Netherlands and he currently holds the position of CTO for IBM in Norway and is the part of the Norwegian Leadership. Loek has a long and international history in IBM and experience from development, complex system architectures as well as technical leadership. Loek has worked on many large and complex projects in Norway and abroad during his tenure at IBM. In the role as CTO Loek has the overall responsibility for IBM’s technologies across the different business units and industries. He is currently focussed most around AI and IBM’s Cognitive Computing technologies named Watson as well as industry cloud platforms. Loek contributes with input to the public debate around AI and gives presentations on this theme in many different arenas.
Speech: How SHE Community and SHE Invest utilize Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to create SHE index to increase diversity in Business Globally
Susanne Kaluza is CEO of SHE Community, working to improve diversity among investors, start ups and leaders. SHE conference gathers over 1500 women each year for inspiration and knwolede-sharing. SHE invests educates women on investments both in Norway and the US and the SHE index powered by EY assess the level of diversity within companies. Kaluza is also a solid columnist in Morgenbladed
She has been named one of the country's 10 largest leader talents of E24, the Editorial Editor of the year, Media Mediation Network of the Year and one of the country's 100 most powerful women of capital. She also worked as a Strategic Advisor for Trigger AS, an editor of Egmont Publishing, blogger, lecturer and journalist in Dagbladet Magasinet.
Speech:Is your Artificial Intelligence ethical and responisble and is it in line with your company's core values and mission?
“As we start to use artificial intelligence for things like jobs, hiring, even who you date—which impact you might marry—what you see when you go online, the news you watch… In other words, what shapes your mind, people are really increasingly concerned about the bias that might creep them to AI.”
Rumman Chowdhury is a Senior Principal of Artificial Intelligence at Accenture where she drives the creation of responsible and ethical AI products for company clients. She defines herself as a rare bird in Silicon Valley as she came to data science with a social science background. This blend of data science and social science brought her to Accenture when they were looking for somebody who was not just a person who knew data science and AI but also understood human being and social behaviors and things like that. She has been honored as one of the BBC’s 100 Women, Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 and a TedX speaker. She holds Ph.D. in Political Science and Government from the University of California and currently, she is serving on the Board of Directors for multiple AI startups and an AI mentor for Katapult Accelerator, an impact tech accelerator in Oslo, Norway. She is also a member of the IEEE’s Wellbeing Metrics Standard for Ethical Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous System working group.
Camilla Andersson started her own media company almost 25 years ago. She is a Business Angel and has for many years invested in startup companies, in addition to being an active and reputable media and technology investor. In recent years, she has also gained experience in the finance and real estate industry and is currently running a real estate project in Ghana, Africa, and an Equity Crowdfunding company called SparkUp. Additionally, she is also working as a founder of Equity Crowdfunding company Around Norge.
Nada Ahmed, Business Development Solution Architect at Kongsberg Digitial
Speech: Unleash the full potential of AI through design thinking
Nada Ahmed is a solution Architect and Innovation coach at Kongsberg Digitial. She has over 10 years of international experience working with innovation, digital technology and entrepreneurship within energy and maritime Industry. In her current role, she leads various projects and initiatives focusing on helping the ndustry evolve and cope with digital transformation.
Lars Rinnan, CEO NextBridge Group AS
Speech: Life in 2029
Lars Rinnan is CEO of NextBridge Group AS, which is an IT-consultnacy dedicated solely to business intelligence (BI). Lars Rinnnan holds MBA from Lancaster University. He started his professional career as a Senior Business Controller at Telenor Nett in 1997 and since then he has taken various vital posts in various companies including president at BNI Total, CEO at Umoe Consulting and Chief Operating officer at Rubik Solutions. He started five companies in five years, all related to Business Intelligence, Analytics, Big Data, AI, and Robotics. Lars Rinnan has also taken the various stages as an enthusiastic public speaker on subjects within digitalization, exponential technology, AI, machine learning, strategy, gamification, entrepreneurship and start-ups.
ANDY FITZE, Co Founder at Swiss Cognitive- The Global AI Hub
Andy Fitze is an expert in enhancing profitability , developing strategic operational initiatives and expanding high quality IT management portfolio. He is a digital enterprise leader transforming business strategies into maximum profit with the best interest of shareholders, customers and employees. Andy Fitze has spoken at various conferences as an AI influencer and top digital leader. In 2016 he co-founded SwissCognitive- The Global AI Hub to make Switzerland the front-runner in regard to the development and application of congnitive intelligence.
Staale Pettersen, Vice President and Business Development at Semtech Inc.
Speech: From Chipsets to Sensors and Devices (how to collect data from the analogue input, digitalize and design a shipset becoming an AI sensor. The building blocks and the complexion of mechanical and electrical design).
Staale Pettersen is a Vice President at Semtech, which is a leading supplier of high performance analog, mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for high-end consumer, enterprise cpmuting, communications, and industrial end-markets. He has also been working as a member of board of directors at LoRa Alliance, which is a non-profit association of more than 500 member companies, committed to enabling larhe scale deployment of Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) IoT through the development and promotion of the LoRaWAN open standard. Previously, he also worked as an Engineer at Q-Free Portugal Ltd and as a product marketing manager at Micrel.
Terje Christensen, Co-Founder Smart Cities Norway
Speech: How the EU takes Smart Cities to an AI level in context of projects and user groups.
Terje Christensen has been part of the Norwegian startup community since he sold his company in 2012. He has contributed as a mentor/organizer on several accelerator programs and StartupWeekend events. He also built an international community of business modellers and introduced more than 1000 entrepreneurs to business modelling.He has been part of starting several companies and departments - some successful and some not. He has experience of working large companies like Accenture for their large customers and in small companies where he did everything from hire people to organize lunch. In 2016, he co-founded Smarte Byer, a consulting and advisory company that offers services for public authorities (cities, municipalities, regions, state agencies), companies research institutes and academia, NGOs and others.
Hans Christian Bjørne, Partner at TheFactory Fintech Accelerator and Member of Board at Oslo Fintech hub
A true connector and catalyst for collaboration in the Nordic startup landscape, Hans Christian Bjørne is a partner and COO at TheFactory accelerator and incubator, which accelerate Nordic startups in fintech, insurtech, legal tech, fintech impact, and more. He has also made his identity as a Nordic entrepreneur and angel investor with a passion for helping startups, and facilitating corporate-startup collaboration and innovation. He has experience of taking various roles with various companies including Assistant Coordinator at Royal Norwegian Consulate- Seattle in 1999, Business Developer and Product Manager at CantaMetrix Inc in 2000, Senior Advisor and Program Manager at Nordic Innovation in 2008 and Cluster Development Manager at Oslo EdTech Cluster in 2015.
Stefan Astroza, Market Analyst at Cicero Consulting
Speech: FinTech trends in Norway
'The banking industry is undergoing a transformation. The presentation will cover the current state of FinTech in Norway and how leading Nordic banks are adapting to a constantly evolving financial industry.'
Stefan Astroza is an experienced market analyst within financial services. Through his position, he continuously monitors the Norwegian banking industry and has broad insight into the competition arena. He started his professional career as an Insurance Advisor at KLP, and holds a Masters degree in International Business.
Sebastian Reichmann, Head of AI at EVRY Financial Services
Steve Wells, COO at Fast Future
Speech: Exponential Technology Development Enabling a Very Human Future.
Steve is a global futurist, keynote speaker, and COO of Fast Future. He helps clients understand the key future factors driving innovation, growth and disruptive change, highlighing the new thinking and business models being enabled by exponential technologies such as AI, immersive technologies like augmented and virtual reality, and hyperconnectivity. Steve explores the mindset shifts and leadership capabilities required to compete in the emerging future in order to help clients and delegates to make informed choices on the potential impact of emerging technologies.
He is a co-editor of and a contributing author to The Future of Business, Beyond Genuine Stupidity – Ensuring AI Serves Humanity, The Future Reinvented – Reimagining Life, Society, and Business, and the recently published A Very Human Future – Enriching Humanity in a Digitized World. In addition Steve is also working on two forthcoming books - 50:50 – Scenarios for the Next 50 Years and Unleashing Human Potential – The Future of AI in Business.
Rolf Frydenberg, CEO and Partner at Manag-E
Rolf Fryden berg is a CEO and partner at Manag-E and a board member at NoVUG. He has been in the IT industry since 1980 and during these years, he has held technical, consulting, marketing and management positions. He is a strong believer in networking, through on-line communities, users' groups, events and conferences of all kind. He has experience of taking various roles including Consultant, Product manager at HP, Senior Consultant at KinFiX, president at CSA Norway and Associate Director Consulting at Gartner.His area of experise are: Cloud Comptuing, IT strategy, IT Financial Management, IT Operations Management, IT Service Management, Network Management, System Management, Application Management.
Henrik Slettene, Head of Data Insight at Inmeta Consulting AS
Henrik Slettene slettene is a head of Data insigh at Inmeta. At the beginning of his career, he worked as a Solution Architect at Component software. He also has a experience of working as a Manager, Sales Enablement and Senior Advisor Information management at SAS, Director, Analytical CRM at Bring Dialog Norge AS and Director Business Developmet at Netlife Dialog
Hylke Visser, Director of Sales and Business Development, Dataiku
Many companies have huge ambitions to develop more data products. These products should be brought quickly into production. To be successful, you need to choose the right strategy. During this presentation, you will get tips and tricks to become a leader in the digital transformation!
Hylke has spent over 2 decades with small and large companies who had the ambition to become a digital enterprise. Since last year he has a focus on assisting companies in their Data Science strategy. With his knowledge of both closed and open source, he brings a wealth of background in the data science area. At Dataiku Hylke is responsible for Sales and Business Development for the Norwegian market.
Jone Løvvik, Senior Vice President & Head of Strategic Programs at Acando
Jone Løvvik has more than 30 years of experience in international sales management and operational management from companies such as Gartner, ErgoGroup(Evry) and Hewlett Packard. He is a successfull strategic advisor with focus on straegy, strategic market analysis and business development of leading technology companies, investors and industries. In addition, he has also taken various leading positions in Marketing, International Business Development/M&A and Strategic Consultancy. Currently, he holds the position of Senior Vice president at Acando Norge.
Tone S. Ringstad, CEO and Founder at Culturengine
Speech: Artificial Consciousness
Tone is the founder and CEO of Culturengine, a digital platform for mining, analyzing and visualizing business cultures. She founded Culturengine with the purpose to make culture more explicit and manageable, to enable leaders to build the best culture fit for their strategy and business ambitions.
Tone is recognized as an expert consultant within innovative, leadership and values business models. Her work in leadership culture transformation has been published internationally. With background from the oil industry and global leadership, combined with a present role in the startup community in Oslo, Tone is an acknowledged speaker of innovation, transformation and leadership.
Aleksander Veksler, Senior Data Scientist at Acando
Speech: Image recognition with artificial neural networks – biological inspiration and mathematical implementation
Aleksander Veksler has a PhD in Cybernetics from NTNU. His work was on mathematical optimization applied to propulsion and station-keeping of ships. After graduation in 2014, he worked on applications of mathematical optimization applied to artificial intelligence, in maritime industry, manufacturing and offshore.
Kjersti Aas, Assistant Research Director at Norsk Regnesentral
Speech: Credit Scoring using Deep Learning
Dr. Kjersti Aas is Assistant Research Director at the Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning and Image Analysis department of the Norwegian Computing Center (NR) and she is the head of the group working with financial applications. She has a large experience in conducting applied contract research for banks and insurance companies. Kjersti is also doing more basic research, and her papers have been published in e.g. Journal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of Risk, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Expert Systems and Applications and European Journal of Finance.
Alina Astrakova, Data Scientist at Elkjøp Nordic
Speech: Using Deep Learning to predict Product Failure Rate.
"We work with thousands of different products and their journey for us does not stop when we have sold them. In order to provide better service and product-range related decision-making. we predict each product hazard function, the probability to fail at a given age period. We use deep learning, which can allow us to make predictions even with a cold start."
Alina Astrakova is a mathematician with 3 years of experience in Machine Learning domain. She works for Elkjøp as a Data Scientist.
Nader Aeinehchi, Skatteetaten
Speech: Pattern Detection of Transactions of Cryptocurrencies – where Artificial Intelligence meets Blockchain
'As Norwegian Tax Administration, we recognized a necessity to increase the agency's understanding and competency by drilling into crypto-economy. Cryptocurrency databases can be very large and contain mostly anonymous data. Detection of patterns among transactions and addresses could be very demanding. People get tired. Machines don't. Therefore, we used Machine Learning and Search Algorithms to detect such patterns. Last summer, we carried out a project that resulted in a set of tools for analysis of cryptocurrencies. We will discuss the project and its results during this session.'
Nader Aeinehchi works as architect in Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten). During the past two years, he has lead two projects in Skatteetaten with a focus on Blockchain technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency. Earlier, Nader worked as the initial architect for modernization of Norway's National Public Registry (Folkeregisteret). Until 2013, Nader worked as chief architect in Evry. He has experience from Public Sector, Bank & Finance and Telecom.
Walter Pohl, Associate Professort at Norwegian School of Economics
Speech: Artificial Intelligence and Finance. With recent advances in machine learning, AI technologies are now practical enough to be applied to business problems. In this talk Walt will talk about how machine learning has changed, and how this leads to potentially new applications in investment, credit scoring, and financial crime.
Walt Pohl is an Associate Professor Finance at the Norwegian School of Economics. He is interested in the intersection between finance and technology. Originally from the computer industry, Walt earned his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Texas at Dallas, and served on the faculty of the University of Zurich before joining NHH. Walt has published in leading journals such as Management Science and the Journal of Finance.
Jan Sollid Storehaug, CEO at Tenk Digital AS
Jan has 35 years of experience as manager of Norwegian and international IT companies since he started UNIC (Norway's fastest growing company, regardless of industry, in the 80's). After UNIC he worked in various position such as General Manager, Chairman and investor. Some of the well-known companies he worked for are: RiksNett (later Telia Internet), Digital Everyday (later listed as Bouvet), BI Int. Dev. (BI Norwegian Business Initiaitiave), Active24 (leading European Webhosting Company), DotGlobal (leading international) and Tenk Digital AS and many more.
Jon Jahren, Data & AI Architect at Microsoft
Speech: How to manage the IoT Stack from sensors to AI and Machine Learning. Azure AI powering the IoT valuechain.
Jon Jahren is a Data and AI Architect at Microsoft Norway. He is responsible for driving digital leadership of customers with Big data/IoT/Advanced Analytics/ Machine Learning/AI on the Microsoft cloud ecosystem. He also has experience of working as a product Manager SQL server at Microsoft.
Geir Mørk, Founder at
Speech: The IoT Valuechain (a short introduction where to start and what to achieve, designing the chain to AI completing the Man Machine Process to solve a task)
Geir Mørk is a founder of Iotix AS an IoT Enabler in Edtech, Greentech and IoT Security to help Businesses, Cities and Municipalities to implement sustainable IoT solutions ranging from improved wellbeing in the physical learning environment to infrastructure, property and building management and IoT Security. Geir has more than 30 years experience in Telecom and IT as Entrepreneur, Manager and Advisor on international level. Focused on sales & marketing as well as technology. Education of Export Marketing and Electrical Engineering from Norway and Germany. He is a strategically sales focused entrepreneur and team builder with extensive real life experience in product development and global channel marketing of advanced high-tech products and solutions for companies like Tandberg Telecom (Cisco), Telenor, British Telecom, NET, Unisource, Telia AB and Norge, Bredbandsbolaget, iBand and DigiPlex.
Michael Engstrom, Co-founder & Global Lead at Katapult Learning
Speech: The Future of Education and the role of AI
Michael is a serial entrepreneur with a background from high-tech and management consulting. He spent 20 years focusing on building the Internet for companies such as Ungermann-Bass, Cisco Systems and PacketFront. After that another 10 years as a management consultant focusing on strategic growth through Innovation for international corporations with large complexity and high levels of conflict. Today he is the owner and founder of several companies in the intersection of humanity / technology, as well as Global Lead Education with Katapult Learning by Impact Investor EXP Group.He is also a TPM coach with over 120 hours of coaching experience (Per Sep 2016). He holds MBA from London School of Business Finance.
Kaius Meskanen, Co-Founder, Board Member at InnoSchool.AI
Speech: The Leonardo Code (Leonardo Code is an AI-Powered learning platform that empowers children as active agents and creators of new knowledge)
Kaius Meskanen is a co-founder at InnoSchool Finland, which is an AI-Powered learning platform that empowers children as active agents and creators of new knowledge.
Marie Kristin Johansen, Head of Enterprise Technical sales- Azure and Business Apps at Microsoft
Marie Krisrin Johansen is a head of Enterprise Technical Sales- Azure and Business Apps at Microsoft where she has been working since 2010. She held various positions at Microsoft such as Senior Consultant/Architect, Solution Specialist- Business Productivity- Public Sector, Senior Product Manager- Cloud Productivity/Moden Workplace and Senior Solution Specialist- Digitial Advisor- Enterprise Commercial and Principal Soluton Specialist, Azure- Banking and Insurance. She holds Masters degree in Communications technology, teleconomics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Asu Deniz, Cloud Solution Architect Data & AI at Microsoft
Asu Deniz is a Data&AI Advisor at Microsoft Norway. She helps Microsoft customers through their digital transformation journey on Cloud using new emerging technologies such as AI and IOT.
Emory Craig, Director of eLearning and Instructional Technologies at The College of New Rochelle
Speech: Director of eLearning and Instructional Technologies
Professor Emory Craig is an advocate for innovation who is responsible for the growth of eLearning intiatives at the College of New Rochelle, including instructional technology, faculty development and the integration of emerging technologies in the curriculum. He work has been featured at EDUCAUSE, the Online Learning Consortium (OLC), the New Media Consortium (NMC), EdMEDIA, AMICAL and Campus Technology.
He is the CoFounder of the award-winning website,, which has been recognized as a top 10 Higher Education blog for three consecutive years. His current work research focuses on how Augmented and Virtual Reality are changing the way we experience the world and connect with each other. VR, AR, Mixed Reality converging with AI will spark a revolution that restores the primacy of Experience and opens the door to radical innovation in learning.
He works with a broad range of national and international educational organizations and actively particpate in the New York City startup community. He currently teaches an onlone seminar on New Media and Society.
Besim Ismaili, CIO and Co-founder/Board member at ELA AS
Besim Ismaili is a MIT certified Data Scientist, Data Strategist who is helping companies in their Digital Transformation process. He has a decade experience in the field of Information Technology including 6 years of experience in Business Intelligence, Data Analysis and Deisgn, Data Warehousing, Data Modelling, Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and lately Data Science. Currently, he is a CIO and co-founder/Board Member at ELA AS and a Senior Business Intelligence Conusltant/Data Scientist at GroupM Norway. He took professional education in Data Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015.
Biljana Stangeland,PhD, Senior Consultant at Acando Norge
Speech: The strange death of patient data
Biljana is a data scientist and a biomedical expert in Acando Norway. Her technology focus is on how machine learning and analytics can be used to create value for organizations and companies. Biljana has had a long career as a researcher at a number of renowned national and international institutions in Norway, Germany, Denmark, USA and The Netherlands. Her main contribution is in the fields of cancer research and gene expression. Biljana has a PhD Degree in Molecular Biology from the Max Planck Institute in Cologne, Germany and a Master of Science degree in Molecular Biology and Biophysics.
Torbjørn Grimstad, Manager at Moicon
Speech: Disruptive IoT for the forerunners in Industrial Automation based on Digitial Twins
Torbjørn is the CEO of the Norwegian company Moicon which ties the line of digital twins, facility management and sensor visualization to optimize overall building performance, prevent downtime, develop new opportunities and even plan for the future.
He is currently managing a project integrating digital solutions for the Manufacturing Technology Norwegian Catapult Centre, as well as undertaking several other projects creating intuitive and visual software solutions for the industrial segment.
Torbjørn started his career as a police officer in Norway and subsequently decided his interests lay in more creative work, which led him to start organizing solutions using modern technologies combined with Forge services to create seamless usability experience which has been the biggest contributor to Moicon’s success.
Holger Hoos, Professor of Machine Learning at Leiden University
Holger Hoos is a professor of Machine Learning who has been doing his research and teaching at the intersection of artificial intelligence, combinatorial optimisation, and operations research. His current research focus is on machine learning and optimization techniques for automated algorith design and performance optimisation, with applications to a board range of problems, including hard-and software verification, planning, scheduling and mixed integer programming. His reseach group has pioneered Programming by Optimisation (PbO), a new paradigm fot developing high-performance software.
Anders H. Lier, Norwegian AI
Anders H. Lier is the chairman at Katapult Group. Katapult Group is one of the leading impact/tech ecosystems globally and provides a holistic approach for businesses and investors looking to solve the planet’s grand challenges while generating competitive returns.
Katapult invests in startups based around technology with a mission to have a positive impact on society and environment. We work to nourish and increase the impact and tech startup ecosystem globally. We are strong believers that disruptive technology is a driving force in changing finance, business and culture so that impact and purpose becomes the standard. Our mission is to change the culture and mindset of humanity to go into the next level – the collaborative and trust society.
The Katapult Fund - is an early-stage AI fund that invests in impact-driven cases. We are convinced that one can achieve above-market financial returns by investing in companies with a positive mission. In tech areas such as artificial intelligence, we are currently facing an urgent collective responsibility to take the technology in the right future direction.
Anders is also co-founder of Katapult Future Fest. Katapult Future Fest is a three-day festival in Oslo, Norway focusing on how exponential technologies and impact investing can be used to create a better future society for all"
Anders H. Lier will present Norwegian AI during the Shark Tank session of the event.
Geir Sand Nilsen, Co-founder at EdTech Foundry and Differ
Speech: Chatbots and AI in Education-not what you expect it to be.
Geir Sand Nilsen is a co-founder at Edtech Foundry and Differ. He is currently working on creating the most engaging learning platform in the world with He also been actively working on marketing, digital media and helping start-ups to scale business.
Jo Røislien, Associate Professor in Biostatistics, Department of health sciences at University of Stavanger
Jo Røislien is an Associate professor in Biostatistics, Department of health sciences at University of Stavanger, Norway. He has an MSc in statistics, and a PhD in geostatistics, both from NTNU. Jo Røislien is a profiled research and science communicator. He developed and hosted the popular science show “Siffer” (“Digits”) on NRK, and was the first ever Norwegian to be a host on Discovery Channel.
Anders Braarud Hanssen,RDI Advisor, Faculty of Technology, Art & Design, Oslo Metropolitan University
Speech: Algorithms of care; what is at stake when AI meets healthcare?
Anders Braarud Hanssen is doing research on Naturalness and Human Cognitive Enhancement at Work Research Institute. The project aims at building up a new international research partnership in the field of Human Congnitive Enhancement (HCE) and to provide clear and accessible HCE-based related analysis, guidelines and directions for policymakers, stakeholders, HCE engineers and consumers.
Sumit Sah, Principal Architect, Sopra Steria
Speech: How businesses can streamline their business processes and make them more intuitive using AI enabled chat-bots ? Demonstration of specific use cases with demos on how chat-bots can be leveraged in sales/customer customer dialogue.
Sumit Sah comes with 7 years of international experience in the consulting industry.He currently works as a principal architect at Sopra Steria,Norway.He teaches RPA enabled business process as a guest lecturer at Høyskolen Kristiania for bachelors and masters level students.For last 2 years he has also served as crm community manager for Den Norske Dataforening and facilitates meetups in the community. He is only of the early advocates for AI enabled chatbots for business processes.He has been speaker in many events based around chatbots in Oslo and has demonstrated protoypes of chatbots enabled customer dialogue in typical sales/customer service business processes.In his latest contributions to the digital transformation space, in the last 2 years he has played the role of CRM architect for one of the biggest digital transformation projects in Norway (Møller Gruppen).
Alistair Nolan, Senior Policy Analyst at OECD
Speech: AI: Impacts on Professional Qualifications and Labour Markets
I will address AI's prospective impacts on labour market in terms of (I) what we know about technology shocks more generally, and (ii) two emerging applications of AI, in windpower generation and in autonomous vehicles. I will discuss the challenge that AI presents for policymakers responsible for education and training systems and, exemplifying the magnitude of the challenge, will present recent OECD work that compares the performance of AI on literacy-related test questions, with the known performance of a large sample of adults (statistically representing 815 million people) across OECD countries (collected under the OECD's Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies [PIAAC]).
Alistair Nolan is currently a Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. For the past two years Mr.Nolan has managed work examining the impacts of new technologies on production, leading to the 2017 book The Next Production Revolution: Implications for Governments and Business. Mr.Nolan was involved with a recent OECD-US National Academies of Sciences project which has compared AI and human performance on literacy-related test questions across OECD countries, and has authored a chapter on AI in production for the OECD’s forthcoming OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018. Other recent work he led has assessed the role of intangible assets in innovation and growth, resulting in the book Supporting Investment in Knowledge Capital, Growth and Innovation. For three years Mr. Nolan worked in the OECD’s Directorate for Education to develop a programme to objectively measure the generic skills of the adult populations in OECD countries (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies – PIAAC). PIAAC provides a unique data set with which to examine the relationships between the stock and distribution of skills and a broad range of economic, employment and social outcomes.
Helga M. Brøgger, Radiologist MD at Oslo University Hospital and President-elect at NoRaFo
Speech: AI in Radiology
In her lecture: AI in Radiology, Helga M. Brøgger, provides insights into the interface between clincial practice and AI in radiology. She will examine opportunities for tailored diagnostics and improved logistics. She will adress practical, legal and ethical issues regarding the use of AI.
Helga M. Brøgger is a graduate with an BA and MD from the University of Oslo. She works as a Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist at Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål. She is President-elect of the Norwegian Society of Radiology. She is a Board member of the Norwegian Medical Association for Health Technology and Innovation. She has a profound interest in health technology, with special focus on artificial intelligence.
Prof. Jianhua Zhang, Professor at Applied AI Group, Dept. of Computer Science at OsloMet.
Speech: EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning Algorithms
In this work, we use the standard DEAP database to investigate emotion recognition problem. Firstly we use clustering technique to identify four target classes of human emotional state. Then we compare two feature extraction methods, wavelet transform and nonlinear dynamical analysis. Furthermore, we examine the effect of feature reduction on classification performance. Finally, we empirically compare the affective classification performance of four types of classifiers, namely k-nearest neighbor (kNN), naïve Bayesian, support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF). The data analysis results reveal the practical effectiveness of the combination of Kernel Spectral Regression (KSR) and RF for accurate emotion recognition.
Jianhua Zhang is Professor at Applied AI Group, Department of Computer Science, OsloMet. He received his PhD in electrical engineering and information sciences from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, and did postdoc. as Research Associate at Intelligent Systems Research Lab, The University of Sheffield, UK. He has published four books, ten invited book chapters, and over 130 referred journal and conference papers. He serves as Chair of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Technical Committee on Human Machine Systems and is on the Editorial Board of four international journals: Frontiers in Neuroscience; Cognitive Neurodynamics (Springer); Cognition, Technology & Work (Springer); and Heliyon (Elsevier). Research Expertise: - Computational Intelligence - Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition - Intelligent Systems and Control - Intelligent Data Modeling and Analysis - Human-Machine Systems - Brain-Machine Interaction - Neurocomputing and Physiological Computing
Jennifer Vessels, CEO and Innovator at Next Step
Speech: Leading Successful Innovation- Sillicon Valley Style
Jennifer Vessels, entrepreneur and inspirator led Tandberg's European growth and US launch prior to founding Next Step in Silicon Valley. Her innovative approach to business growth has been instrumental in Next Step’s success scaling tech giants Google, NetFlix and Tesla, as well as leading business transformation for Adobe, Autodesk and Live Nation. With an MBA from San Jose and MS from University of London, Jennifer now leads Next Step Norway and the Executive Growth Alliance for Nordic, European and Silicon Valley leaders.
Tor Paaske Utheim, Professor of innovation, Department of Research and Development, OsloMet
Speech: Innovation - what, why and how
Eye doctor Tor Paaske Utheim is Professor at OsloMet, University of Oslo, University of Bergen and University of South Eastern Norway. In addition, he is Director of Research and/or Innovation at various departments at Oslo University Hospital, Stavanger University Hospital, Drammen Hospital and Sørlandet Hospital Arendal. He is Adjunct Clinical Associate (Faculty Member) at Schepens Eye Research Institute/Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School. Utheim is the recipient of twenty-six awards/honour related to research, innovation and/or medicine. In 2008, he received Medinnova Innovation Prize (NOK 250,000), the largest innovation prize in the health sector in Norway. In 2017, he got the Early Career Award (NOK 150,000) at Oslo University Hospital for outstanding research. He has experience from supervision of 35 PhD candidates/research students.
Hilde Lovett, Teknologirådet
Speech: 14 recommentadions for responsible development of Artificial Intelligence in Norway.
Hilde Lovett holds education from Department of Informatics at University of Oslo and studied Technology Management at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. She is project director at the Norwegian Board of Technology since 2011, giving advice to the government on how to tackle emerging technologies. She is currently responsible for projects in health and AI. She has previously worked for Telenor Research and Innovation, University of Aarhus and Norwegian Computing Center.
Espen Iveland, Managing Consultant at NOFAS AS
Speech: How can softfunding accelerate your AI-projects? What are the success criteria and pitfalls when applying for public funding? Which funding schemes are relevant for AI-projects, and are the funding schemes well suited for AI-projects?
Espen Iveland is Heading a group of ICT-consultants at Nofas. More than 20 years of experience within software development as a programmer, system architect and product manager. M.Sc. in electronics from NTH.
Ieva Martinkenaite, Vice President at Telenor Research
Dr Ieva Martinkenaite is among the key figures at Telenor Group contributing to building the Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and innovation ecosystem in Norway. A Vice President at Telenor Research, Ieva has led the Telenor-NTNU AI Lab development project (later transformed to Norwegian Open AI-Lab), a Centre of Excellence for AI and Machine Learning in Norway. She also spearheads Telenor’s Start IoT initiative, aimed at stimulating research and innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) in Norway. Her work involves research and advisory to Telenor executives and business leaders on AI, Internet of Things (IoT), innovation strategy and digital partnerships.
She holds several high profile regional and national appointments in AI, including the European Commission to the High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG), and heading the AI task force at the European Telecommunication Operator’s Association (ETNO),
Ieva holds a PhD in Strategy from BI Norwegian Business School and has more than 15 years of experience in business research, advisory and academia. Her passion lies in building collaborative communities for the digital age and promoting women and young girls in tech.
Thomas Haslestad, CTO at Conexus
Speech: AI for competence development – Presentation of a collaborative research effort.
Thomas Haslestad holds the role as CTO of Conexus with a passion for innovation. A world leading company within EdTech providing services on learning analytics and competence development with the capability to manage talent development from education to employability for the ever-changing demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution. With a strong background from international research and standardisation to consulting, product delivery and innovation, Thomas, holds long term experience in establishing and moving new technical breakthroughs into the market.
Michael Riegler, Senior Research Scientist at Simula Research, UiO
Speech: Machine learning for medical and sport applications
Michael is a senior researcher at Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo. He received his Master’s degree from Klagenfurt University with distinction and finished his PhD at the University of Oslo in two and a half years. His PhD thesis topic was efficient processing of medical multimedia workloads. His research interests are medical multimedia data analysis and understanding, image processing, image retrieval, parallel processing, crowdsourcing, social computing and user intent. He is involved in several initiatives like the MediaEval Benchmarking initiative for Multimedia Evaluation, which runs this year the Medico task (automatic analysis of colonoscopy videos). Furthermore he is part of an expert group for the Norwegian Council of Technology on Machine Learning for Healthcare.
Jon-Anders Eikeland, Principal Consultant, Strategy at NOFAS
Speech: Commercialization of technology-Key strategic considerations
Jon-Anders Eikeland is Principal Consultant in Nofas’ Strategy practice with more than 12 years of experience as management consultant and corporate finance advisor, previously with Deloitte, Accenture and SpareBank 1 Markets. He is an experienced business development advisor with project experience from both early-stage and established companies. Jon-Anders holds an M. Sc. in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from NTNU and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Oslo University College (OsloMet).
Trine B. Haugen, Professor - Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University
Trine B. Haugen is Professor in Biomedicine and Head of the Research Group “Male Reproductive Health” at the Faculty of Health Sciences, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. Semen quality, testicular cancer, and use of artificial intelligence in assisted reproduction technology are her research fields of interest. She has been Pro-Rector R&D at Oslo University College and Vice-Dean R&D at Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. She was member of the expert group in WHO responsible for global standardization of semen analysis and is currently Associate Editor of Human Reproduction and member of the Editorial Board of Andrology. She is Research Ombudsperson at Faculty of Health Sciences, OsloMet, and member of the National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics.
Aurora Voje, Data Scientist at Nextbridge Analytics
Speech: Machine learning in 1-2-3!
Have you ever wondered how the music and film apps know your preferences?
How can a car drive autonomously, or a robot learn how to play chess or the piano?
How can we be able to predict a result based on hundreds of parameters?
The common denominator is machine learning.
Get an overview on what machine learning is, how it already affects you daily life,how it can optimise your business and what the future aspects look like.
Aurora is a diverse data scientist who likes to work with innovative and demanding tasks.Her background is from physics and she has a PhD in the field of quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics where she did research on Graphene at Chalmers University of Technology. She has long experience from teaching in academia, and during her time in NextBridge Analytics. She has worked with Mobility Analytics, Computer Vision, Customer Intelligence solutions and machine learning.
Stefano Nichele, Associate professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo Metropolitan University
Stefano Nichele is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science. Nichele is the founder and deputy head of the Applied Artificial Intelligence research group. He recently started the Living Technology Lab, where artificial life and complex systems approaches are used to understand intelligence. He is also a member of the Autonomous Systems and Networks research group. Nichele is the founder and interim chair of the IEEE Norway Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter. His research interests are: Artificial Life, Complex Systems, Evo-Devo, Cellular Automata; Artificial Intelligence, Biological and Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Reservoir Computing; Bio-inspired and Evolutionary Computation, Neuro-evolution.
Tugberk Duman, Head of Innovation at Futurice
Speech: AI in facial recognition
Tugberk is biometrics expert, public speaker, and head of Innovation at Futurice.
Thomas F. Anglero, Director of Innovation at IBM Norway
Thomas is the Director of Innovation at IBM Norway and is renowned for his powerful and inspirational presentations on inspiration and innovation. In 2017, Thomas consulted with leaders throughout Europe in strategic business areas like Healthcare, Fashion, Public Sector, IT and Innovation.
Thomas has over 25 years of IT/Telecom experience, founded 2 startups, hosts the “Soul of Innovation” podcast, and is currently writing a book on artificial intelligence and creating an online course for executives to be a successful innovative leaders during this time of massive technological and cultural change.
Mr. Anglero is a Puerto Rican/American who has lived 20+ years in Norway. He is married with 3 athletic children. Thomas is a level-2 FIBA certified champion basketball coach with 10+ years of championship coaching experience.
Thomas is available for presentations, consultations, workshops and one-on-one executive coaching, in-person and online.
Emanuele Lapponi, Data Scientist at Convertelligence
Speech: NLP and classification: a 5 minute primer" In this 5 minute talk we will take a high-level dive into text classification, one of the most ubiquitous machine-learning techniques in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Emanuele is currently finishing his PhD in Language Technology at the University of Oslo, while working with Machine Learning and language as a Data Scientist at Convertelligence (
Paal Kristian Levang, CEO and founder at
The Web Collective (Real Time Web)
Practical introduction to Real Time Web;
The presentation deals with smart objects (IoT) in a horizontal web network. Event-based web topology where data links link relationships across networks and domains.Pros and cons of RTW and how machines and people live side by side where data becomes information.Practical examples of how new IoT solutions can take shape and how AI takes more and more over the programming work of new IT systems.
The Sharks
Berg Moe, Partner & CEO at EntraHouse
Berg Moe has more than 30 years experience with funding, coaching and growing companies and great ideas to the next level. He has an extensive global network of people in both seed funding and venture capital world. Currently, he is partner & CEO at EntraHouse AS and owner & Community manager of a group of entrepreneurs Gruderklubben.
Berg Moe will moderate the Shark Tank session during the event.
Trond Riiber Knudsen, Founder TRK Group
Trond Riiber Knudsen is an experienced leader with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting, venture capital and private equity industry. He has experience of more than 25 years working in McKinsey, where he currently holds the position of Leadership and Development. In 2015, ge founded TRK Group AS which is an active ownership and advisory firm- supporting early-stage companies define and execute ambitious aspirations for growth and value creation. Currently, he is involved in many comapnies including the position of the member of Board of Advisors at SpareBank1 Market AS, co-founder and lead investor at Penda Paper Recycling, Senior Advisor and Investor at Arundo Analytics, Lead Mentor and Investor at Katapult Accelerator, Strategic Advisor at Schibsted Media Group. He holds MBA from Harvard Business School.
Jørn Lein-Mathisen, Managing Director Business Angels Norway, International House
Jørn Lein-Mathisen started his first company at age of 16 and became an angel investor at the age of 23. In 2013, he founded the only international incubator in Norway, Oslo International Hub, running International House in Oslo. He has helped over 300 interntational startups since 2013 and is now in charge of building up Business Angels Norway, the national association for angel groups. He made his first angel Investement in 1996 and is currently in 38 pre-seed investments. He was previously parlimentary advisor to the current prime minister of Norway. He also has experience of working at UN , the MFA and at the European Comission as well as for Boston Consulting Group and
Jørn Lein-Mathisen will present during the Shark Tank session of the event
Steinar Svalesen, Director Corporate Finance at Beringer Finance
Steinar Svalesen has more than 25 years experience in the IT/media/telecom industries with special focus on strategic business development. He has gained a valuable experience in enterpreneurship and a solid foundation for the more recent early-stage investement and business transformation activities by launching a number of new business ventures, securing capital, building efficient teams, and supporting these ventures.
His other experiences include executive management positions in Scandinavia and in the US in the areas of business consulting, sales, and marketing, as well as in product development and software design. Featured speaker at various industry events in Europe and the USA. Executive board positions of Scandinavian technology companies.
Specialties: Management consulting; early-stage venture; digital media, telecom and technology; business transformation; strategies for growth and expansion; business modelling.
Steinar Svalesen will present Beringer Finance during the Shark Tank session of the event.
Jan-Cayo Fiebig, General Partner at 3B Ventures
Cayo sees the world as an opportunity. Before founding CodersTrust, Cayo worked for Mercedes-Benz and A.T. Kearny in China, Germany and Austria. He was fortunate to study in Germany, US, UK, Denmark and Canada, which probably let him to his path of not accepting that world-class education is only available to the few. Together with a team of passionate believers he is breaking barriers and stigmas, enabling the tech talents in need through microfinance, collaborative online learning and the online labour market. Cayo sees the potential of a borderless workforce, the power of emotional intelligence and the embracement of uncertainty. Being hit by a lightning, an earthquake and tornado, he probably also believes in attracting natural disasters. Currently, he is a general partner at 3B Ventures, which is the early stage impact fund investing in exponential technology that will impact the lives of the next 3 billion.
Jan-Cayo Fiebig will present 3B Ventures during the Shark Tank session of the event.
Camilla Andersson started her own media company almost 25 years ago. She is a Business Angel and has for many years invested in startup companies, in addition to being an active and reputable media and technology investor. In recent years, she has also gained experience in the finance and real estate industry and is currently running a real estate project in Ghana, Africa, and an Equity Crowdfunding company called SparkUp. Additionally, she is also working as a founder of Equity Crowdfunding company Around Norge.
Åsmund Johan Mandal, Managing Director at Varua Invest AS
Åsmund Johan Mandal is the managing director at Varua Invest and the director of Nigeria-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce. Åsmund has invested via Varua Invest in 18 tech companies in 2018.
Heidi is an entrepreneur with a mission to close the gender gap. She is co-founder and owner of SHE Community, that provides inspiration, tools and networks to scale up and speed up true equality in business. Heidi has held several leadership positions within IT and consulting and has co-founded the successful technology start-up SmartWorks. Now, she´s in the business of inspiring other women to take the lead and helping companies create more value with more diversity among managers and investors.